
Controlling P10 Single Color HUB12 LED display with ESP8266 Plus WiFI and SoftAP WebServer

Untuk Menjalankan Led Panel P10 Satu Warna HUB12 dengan ESP8266/NodeMCU/WEMOS



Arduino Tutorials - How to Use Static (Pre-compiled) Libraries in Arduino


To improve compile time of big projects in Arduino, you can use one of the newer features introduced in Arduino IDE (>=1.8.6), static (pre-compiled) libraries for your Arduino Sketches.


Why use pre-compiled libraries?

  • The pre-compiled library allows to share the functions of the library without exposing the source code.

  • The only limitation of pre-compiled libraries is that they are only valid for boards or MCUs that have been compiled for.


Getting Started

Let's take an Arduino library as example and convert it to pre-compiled library. Here I will use Seeed_Arduino_LIS3DHTR as Arduino library and Wio Terminal as board option.

STEP1. Arduino Library Configurations

Navigate to the library root path and open the file and add the following and save the file.



